Kondensmilch 4% - Gut & Günstig - 340g
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4311501663417(EAN / EAN-13)
4311501663417(EAN / EAN-13)
Common name: Teilentrahmte Kondensmilch wärmebehandelt, 4% Fett, 20% fettfreie Milchtrockenmasse
Quantity: 340g
Packaging: Paper and cardboard / Plastic / Aluminium
Brands: Gut & Günstig, Gut & Günstig
Categories: Dairies, Evaporated milks, Evaporated milks without sugar, fr:Laits entiers concentrés
Labels, certifications, awards:
German Agricultural Society, Gold medal of the German Agricultural Society, No GMOs, Ohne Gentechnik, 2018 Gold medal of the German Agricultural Society, FSC, FSC Mix, Fsc-c020428
Traceability code: DE NW-402 EG
Stores: Edeka
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Product added on by prepperapp
Last edit of product page on by teolemon.
Product page also edited by ecoscore-impact-estimator, kakao, kiliweb, openfoodfacts-contributors, packbot, roboto-app, yuka.sY2b0xO6T85zoF3NwEKvlkpbCP34oyuYNiTUoE_T6MyCN6TrW9d32oP1Eao.